All the map through a recent occasion in Dubai, director Lokesh Kanagaraj addressed a ask about the chance of working with actor Ajith. Whereas within the heart of filming his upcoming film Kooli, he changed into asked, “Having worked with stars treasure Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, and Vijay, when will you collaborate with Ajith?”
In response, Lokesh said, “Like each person else, I too favor to work with Ajith. I contemplate this can even simply happen rapidly.” His assertion rapidly went viral on-line, sparking pleasure and speculation among followers.
At the moment, Lokesh Kanagaraj is directing the well-known-awaited film Coolie, which stars Rajinikanth, Nagarjuna, Upendra, and Shruti Haasan. Produced by Solar Photos, the film is being shot in Thailand. Fans are eagerly looking forward to updates on this high-profile project as wisely as any future collaboration with Ajith.